Emerging and disruptive leader in the Direct-to-Consumer Hearing Technology space, InnerScope Hearing Technologies Inc (OTCMKTS:INND) , on April 27, 2022, announced relaunching of the newly branded eCommerce website. This will be for iHEAR brand Direct-to-Consumer hearing products.
Market Reaction
On Wednesday, INND stock fell .76% to $0.0040 with 24.83 million shares, compared to its average volume of 26.22 million shares. The stock moved within a range of $0.0039 – 0.0045 after opening trade at $0.0043.
InnerScope Hearing Technologies (OTC: INND) Launches New eCommerce Website with the Rebranding of iHEAR Direct-to-Consumer Hearing Aids
The new brand is the company’s premium brand of high-tech proprietary direct-to-consumer hearing products offering customers the same type of hearing aid technology. Additionally, Hearing Aids, as well as the products, are shipped directly to the customer’s home.
The refreshed iHear hearing aid brand, as well as the website, employs a modern design approach. It has several custom features including engaging content as well as dynamic motion graphics for promoting the brand identity. Comprising a broad set of digital experience management capabilities, it includes marketing automation, web content management, social media management, and eCommerce analytical insights.
Matthew Moore, President, and Chief Executive Officer of InnerScope Hearing Technologies said that this is just the start of an exciting and transformational time for InnerScope. Moore added that the fresh premium brand identity, strengthened by a refreshed website supports the mission and product vision to deliver patented next generation of artificial intelligence hearing devices. The CEO added that the firm has assembled a team of highly skilled biomedical engineers as well as hearing aid software developers.
The company has developed secured partnerships with manufacturing solutions as well as semiconductor developers. It believes in building a hearing aid company that would be the disruptor leader in the emerging hearing aid market.
Traders Review
INND stock is trading below the 20-Day and 50-Day Moving averages of $0.0051 and $0.0056 respectively. Moreover, the stock is trading below the 200-Day moving average of $0.0100.